Alerte phishing phishing<b>Alert: e-mail fraud attempts underway!</b><br><br> Be vigilant, fraudsters are trying to pass themselves off as BIL by sending you an e-mail inviting you to click on a fake BILnet link. Do not share any personal information and do not click on this link. BIL will NEVER ask you by text message, e-mail or telephone for your LuxTrust login and password (used in BILnet), or for your bank card number or secret code. <br><br>If you believe you are the victim of attempted fraud or in the event of fraudulent use of your card, contact Worldline by calling <a href="tel:+352491010">+352 4910-10</a>.1
BILnet - iOS 18 - iOS 18<b>Information for users of iOS 18 on iPhone/iPad:</b> <br>BILnet may encounter problems when signing transactions with a LuxTrust product on your device. In an emergency, we recommend that you carry out your transaction from another device. If possible, we recommend that you avoid updating your device. Our teams are actively working to resolve this situation.18


BIL General Tariff

Everyday banking made easy

Introducing the BIL General Tariff

Our simple and straight forward package for your everyday banking needs.

Monthly Fee Per Account

12-17 years

18 years +

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Everyday payment essentials you can rely on

Free BIL Visa Debit Card

Whether you’re paying for a ticket to the cinema or treating yourself to a new pair of shoes, the BIL Visa Debit is the perfect companion

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Free and unlimited Electronic Euro Transfers

Send and receive money across the Eurozone and manage all your payments in our BILnet app.

Plus these great everyday banking features:

Monthly electronic statements

Helping you keep track of your monthly spend

LuxTrust Mobile

Allowing you to access BILnet securely and easily without the need for a Token

24/7 BILnet access

Enjoy secure access to your account anytime via your desktop, mobile or tablet