Alerte phishing phishingWarning – ongoing phishing alerts! Be on the lookout for fraudulent calls and text messages. Do not share any personal information or click on any links. <br><br>If you believe you are the victim of attempted fraud or in the event of fraudulent use of your card, contact Worldline by calling <a href="tel:+352491010">+352 4910-10</a>. 1


BIL Beijing Representative Office

Your privileged gateway to Europe

China is a very attractive market with great business opportunities. Thanks to our majority shareholder Legend Holdings, BIL is uniquely positioned to provide comprehensive banking services for Chinese companies and their owners from our headquarters in Luxembourg. In addition, BIL can help Chinese investors to benefit from Luxembourg’s thriving investment fund hub

Please contact our Representative Office in Beijing to explore how we can help you grow your business in Europe.

Logo BIL Beijing Representative Office

BIL Beijing Representative Office
12F, Building C South,
Raycom Info Tech Park, No.2,
Kexueyuan Nanlu,
Haidian District, Beijing