Alerte phishing - email phishing - email<img src="/PublishingImages/site-all/alerts/prevention-securite-sms-email.png"> <h3>Alert: e-mail fraud attempts underway!</h3> Be vigilant, fraudsters are trying to pass themselves off as BIL by sending you an e-mail inviting you to click on a fake BILnet link. Do not share any personal information and do not click on this link. BIL will NEVER ask you by text message, e-mail or telephone for your LuxTrust login and password (used in BILnet), or for your bank card number or secret code. <br><br>If you believe you are the victim of attempted fraud or in the event of fraudulent use of your card, contact Worldline by calling <a href="tel:+352491010">+352 4910-10</a>.</p> <p class="pbtn-default"><a class="closealert" href="/en/individuals/security-prevention/Pages/Index.aspx">Find out more</a></p> <p class="pbtn-default"><a class="btn-default closealert" href="#">Close</a></p>15

Do you want to contribute to a more sustainable world?

Invest more responsibly with BIL Invest Patrimonial.

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Want to see your plans and dreams become a reality?

Discover BIL Invest, a no-fuss investment fund solution.

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No time to manage your investments?

Rest assured thanks to our « turnkey » approach and funds perfectly suited to your profile.

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Looking to build and manage your portfolio yourself?

Take advantage of our « personalised » approach to access funds covering a selection of asset classes all around the world.

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On-plan investment

A fuss-free way to invest in funds

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How can you optimise your savings even further?

  • Ask yourself if your current savings and investment solutions are suited to your goals.
  • BIL Invest offers a professional and diversified investment and management solution.
  • BIL Invest caters to all types of investors and projects.

BIL Invest works for you

  • All year: 0€ entry fee with with Flexicav, our savings plan that invest in BIL Invest funds.
  • Potentially attractive returns in light of current interest rates
  • Responsible investment guaranteed thanks to BIL Invest Patrimonial funds that integrate ESG criteria
  • An accessible solution thanks to low minimum investment thresholds
  • Funds managed by BIL with the decision-making centre in Luxembourg
  • Easier access to markets and investment products generally reserved for seasoned investors
  • A fund covered by the European UCITS* directive, which sets strict security requirements to protect investors

*UCITS: undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities

All benefits

Protecting your interests through long-term support and clear communication

  • Your Relationship Manager will answer any questions you may have and explain the full range of solutions offered by BIL Invest
  • You can define your investor profile with them, or directly on BILnet
  • The risk and reward profile for each BIL Invest subfund is clearly presented in the KIID (Key Investor Information Document)
  • Investing in a fund entails financial market risks

Need someone to manage your investments for you?

Take advantage of our « turnkey » approach:

  • Choose a fund suited to your risk profile and projects from amongst four subfunds
  • Hands-off and « turnkey » management
  • Broad diversification of your investments
  • Unsecured capital solutions, subject to financial market risks
  •  The guarantee of investing in diversified funds that meet ESG criteria and are rewarded with LuxFLAG certification (until 30/09/2022); independent, international not-for-profit association created in Luxembourg in 2006 by seven private and public founding partners to promote sustainable finance.

BIL Invest Patrimonial


  • 2-year investment horizon
  • Limited but relatively stable returns
  • Prudent management targeting medium-term capital gains
  • Maximum equity portion of 25%

BIL Invest Patrimonial


  • 3-year investment horizon
  • Limited but relatively stable returns
  • Modest proportion of the portfolio invested in riskier assets
  • Balanced management targeting medium-term capital gains
  • Maximum equity portion of 50%

BIL Invest Patrimonial


  • 4-year investment horizon
  • Greater potential capital growth through attractive returns
  • Risk of significant fluctuations and losses
  • Subfund aimed at investors with a relatively high risk profile
  • Maximum equity portion of 75%

BIL Invest Patrimonial


  • 5-year investment horizon
  • Significant proportion of the portfolio invested in riskier assets
  • High risk in exchange for potentially high returns
  • Priority given to long-term capital gains
  • Maximum equity portion of 100%
Invest today

Do you want to build your portfolio step by step and manage it yourself?

Take advantage of our « personalised » approach:

  • A wide range of funds meticulously managed by specialists
  • A variety of asset classes
  • Broad regional allocation options
  • An approach that lets you take portfolio allocation decisions yourself
  • Funds subject to financial market risks, specifically foreign exchange and liquidity risks and changes in interest rates

Short-term projects

Are you looking to purchase a primary residence or investment property in 5 years' time?

You’ve been dreaming about this for a long time. Now, your current income or a recent cash injection will allow you to make this dream a reality. Don’t let your capital sit idle.

Explore a selection of funds that support this project, considering an appropriate mix for your profile and personal situation.

  • BIL Invest Bonds Renta Fund
  • BIL Invest Absolute Return
  • BIL Invest Bonds EUR Corporate Investment Grade
  • BIL Invest Bonds EUR Sovereign
  • BIL Invest Bonds USD Sovereign
  • BIL Invest Bonds USD Corporate Investment Grade
  • BIL Invest Equities Europe

Medium-term projects

Do you want to build a nest-egg for your kids over 10 years?

What could be more wonderful than seeing your children step into adulthood on solid financial footing? Do you want to provide them with start-up capital allowing them to more easily achieve their initial goals?

Explore a selection of funds that support this project, considering an appropriate mix for your profile and personal situation.

  • BIL Invest Bonds EUR Corporate Investment Grade
  • BIL Invest Bonds EUR High Yield
  • BIL Invest Bonds USD High Yield
  • BIL Invest Bonds USD Corporate Investment Grade
  • BIL Invest Equities Europe
  • BIL Invest Equities US

Long-term projects

Do you hope to have enough to retire in 20 years' time, and want to start preparing today?

You’re right to think ahead. If you intend to maintain your current lifestyle once retired, it’s vital that you prepare in advance, and think about your sources of income once retired (statutory pension or other pension savings schemes).

Explore a selection of funds that support this project, considering an appropriate mix for your profile and personal situation.

  • BIL Invest Bonds EUR High Yield
  • BIL Invest Bonds Emerging Markets
  • BIL Invest Bonds USD High Yield
  • BIL Invest Equities Europe
  • BIL Invest Equities US
  • BIL Invest Equities Asia Pacific
  • BIL Invest Equities Emerging Markets
Invest today

A fuss-free way to invest in funds

To make your life easier and help you save at your own pace, why not take out a Flexicav savings plan?
It’s accessible, flexible and comes with lots of advantages, allowing you to invest regularly in the BIL Invest funds that best suit your risk profile, with no minimum investment.

Learn about Flexicav