Alerte phishing phishing<b>Alert: e-mail fraud attempts underway!</b><br><br> Be vigilant, fraudsters are trying to pass themselves off as BIL by sending you an e-mail inviting you to click on a fake BILnet link. Do not share any personal information and do not click on this link. BIL will NEVER ask you by text message, e-mail or telephone for your LuxTrust login and password (used in BILnet), or for your bank card number or secret code. <br><br>If you believe you are the victim of attempted fraud or in the event of fraudulent use of your card, contact Worldline by calling <a href="tel:+352491010">+352 4910-10</a>.1

Forme logo BIL Wealth Planning
Our experts are here to help
you achieve your goals

Helping you manage your personal and professional assets

Our multidisciplinary and international team of experts can help you with topics including wealth and estate planning, relocating people or activities, and making arrangements to achieve your aims while optimising your personal tax position.

your objectives


Protect your family

Estate planning represents a genuine opportunity to make the most of your assets and gain peace of mind. Set your own terms and benefit from the many solutions on offer as you make arrangements to pass on your wealth in the way you expect.


Secure the future of your business

Transferring a business is a key milestone and an opportunity to secure its future. We offer an array of solutions tailored to your objectives and the wishes of your heirs and associates.


Manage international assets

Protect and grow your international assets today while optimising your estate planning for tomorrow. Our international wealth structuring experts analyse your personal situation and offer solutions tailored to your needs. You can benefit from specific structures including life insurance policies and other wealth management structures and investment vehicles.


Finance your projects

We offer financing solutions you can rely on as you look to achieve your personal or professional goals. Our experts are here to help you increase your investment capacity and secure financing without having to sell your financial assets.

Wealth Management


We create bespoke solutions for your personal and professional inheritance.

More details

Setting up regulated or semi-regulated Luxembourg structures


  • RAIF

  • SIF

Tax services

We can help you benefit directly from reduced rates of withholding tax applied in accordance with tax agreements or national legislation.

More details

Recommending foreign business or non-business structures.

  • Fiduciary

  • Trust

  • Foundation

Setting up unregulated Luxembourg business structures


  • SPF

  • Société civile (non-trading company)


Contact us

Claude Eyschen

Our Wealth Planning experts are here to help, taking a holistic approach to assessing your current situation and planning for your future projects.

Claude Eyschen

Head of Wealth Management