Alerte phishing - email phishing - email<img src="/PublishingImages/site-all/alerts/prevention-securite-sms-email.png"> <h3>Alert: e-mail fraud attempts underway!</h3> Be vigilant, fraudsters are trying to pass themselves off as BIL by sending you an e-mail inviting you to click on a fake BILnet link. Do not share any personal information and do not click on this link. BIL will NEVER ask you by text message, e-mail or telephone for your LuxTrust login and password (used in BILnet), or for your bank card number or secret code. <br><br>If you believe you are the victim of attempted fraud or in the event of fraudulent use of your card, contact Worldline by calling <a href="tel:+352491010">+352 4910-10</a>.</p> <p class="pbtn-default"><a class="closealert" href="/en/individuals/security-prevention/Pages/Index.aspx">Find out more</a></p> <p class="pbtn-default"><a class="btn-default closealert" href="#">Close</a></p>15


Trading room

Thanks to BIL's wide range of savings and investment solutions, you can generate a return on your group's cash surpluses.

Cash management

Thanks to BIL's wide range of savings and investment solutions, you can generate a return on your group's cash surpluses.

  • Short-term cash management: cash SICAVs, term deposits, short-term notes, income-paying certificates of deposit, capital growth certificates of deposit, etc.
  • Access to financial markets: Funds, equities, bonds, derivatives, structured products, etc.
  • Investments in commercial paper: Multi-currency and multi-issuer.
  • Fiduciary deposits and certificates.
  • Investments in precious metals physical or paper-based.
  • Clearing services in euro (EUR clearing) and in Swiss francs (CHF clearing).

To find out more about our range of products, please get in touch with your BIL Relationship Manager.

Risk management

Do you want to guard against interest-rate fluctuations and manage your financial costs more effectively?
Would you like to hedge your investments against adverse movements in the short, medium or long term?
Do you consider it necessary to implement currency hedging on import-export transactions?

BIL offers you appropriate solutions to optimise hedging against risks:

Interest-rate hedging

  • Floor, cap and collar options on interest rates.
  • Interest Rate Swaps (IRS).
  • Forward Rate Agreements, etc.

Currency hedging

  • Spot transactions.
  • Currency futures.
  • Forward foreign exchange contracts (Forwards).
  • Currency swaps.
  • Currency options (calls, puts).
  • NDFs (Non Deliverable Forwards) and NDOs (Non Deliverable Options), etc.

For your currency hedging transactions, you may also use FOREX e-trading platforms directly.

To find out more about our risk management solutions, please contact your BIL Relationship Manager now.

Initial public offerings

Would you like to access capital markets to obtain the capital required for your company's growth (acquisitions, major investments, etc.)?
Do you want to tap the financial markets to provide liquidity to your financial holdings?
Do you believe that an initial public offering would be a significant factor in terms of your group's reputation and marketing?

BIL supports you through all the stages of the initial public offering, an operation that requires specific expertise.

In addition, its significant financial markets expertise covers:

  • Cooperation with EU government bodies and counterparties.
  • The listing agent function.
  • The origination, syndication, shared custodian and paying agent functions for international issuers of government or corporate bonds.
  • All types of money market instruments used for risk hedging and capital protection.
  • Management of securities accounts, powers of attorney for tax recovery and drawing up registration certificates.

Your BIL Relationship Manager will discuss with you any matter relating to financial markets.