Alerte phishing - email phishing - email<img src="/PublishingImages/site-all/alerts/prevention-securite-sms-email.png"> <h3>Alert: e-mail fraud attempts underway!</h3> Be vigilant, fraudsters are trying to pass themselves off as BIL by sending you an e-mail inviting you to click on a fake BILnet link. Do not share any personal information and do not click on this link. BIL will NEVER ask you by text message, e-mail or telephone for your LuxTrust login and password (used in BILnet), or for your bank card number or secret code. <br><br>If you believe you are the victim of attempted fraud or in the event of fraudulent use of your card, contact Worldline by calling <a href="tel:+352491010">+352 4910-10</a>.</p> <p class="pbtn-default"><a class="closealert" href="/en/individuals/security-prevention/Pages/Index.aspx">Find out more</a></p> <p class="pbtn-default"><a class="btn-default closealert" href="#">Close</a></p>15



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