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Art2Cure exhibition will fund Covid-19 related research

Art2Cure, a non-profit organisation, invites to its sixth art exhibition at the Banque Internationale Luxembourg (BIL), with art items from 18 Luxembourg-based artists. Proceeds from sales will help fund research related to education and mental health during Covid-19.

The exhibition can be visited at BIL’s Galérie Indépendance in Luxembourg city (69 route d'Esch, L-2953 Luxembourg) from 20 July to 20 September 2020. For health and safety reasons, the official opening takes place as a live stream on the Art2Cure Instagram, which will be filmed in the gallery on Saturday 18 July at 15.00, in presence of many of this year’s artists.

In addition, a dedicated website will show artworks on display and sale. Visit the website.

Join the live stream on the open Instagram account.

As with all Art2Cure exhibitions, artworks are sold at market value and revenues are split evenly between the cause and the artists.

The artists

18 Luxembourgish artists participate in the exhibition, including painters, sculptors, mixed media artists, drawers and photographers. Some of the artists, such as painter Joachim Van der Vlugt and graffiti artist SUMO, have participated in earlier editions of the event.. Among the newcomers are Nora Juhasz, a Luxembourg-based painter from Hungary who enchants with her portrayals of quirky characters. Another new addition is Joël Rollinger, well-known in the Grand-Duchy for his urban murals (for example on the Place du Théâtre), who shows a fresh side of his art with his series of wood-collages and paintings.

All participating artists:

Sandra Biewers; JKB Fletcher; Sascha Di Giambattista; Thomas Iser; Diane Jodes; Frank Jons; Nora Juhasz; Francoise Ley; Nuno Lorena; Chantal Maquet ; Sali Muller; Jim Peiffer; Martine Pinnel; Joël Rollinger; SUMO; Stéphanie Uhres; Joachim Van der Vlugt; Julie Wagener.

About Art2Cure

Art2Cure is a non-profit organisation that organises art exhibitions to raise funds for research carried out by Luxembourg-based researchers. Created in 2014 by Philippe Lamesch, Head of fundraising at the University, and Gilles Weidig, Art2Cure has organised several exhibitions in Luxembourg and abroad, with an increasing number of artists becoming involved. Since 2015 Art2Cure has raised more than 100 000 euros to support biomedical research at the University of Luxembourg, especially in the field of Parkinson's disease and rare childhood diseases.

COVID-19 marks a turn in the non-profit organisation’s approach, as funds will contribute to research projects related to the pandemic.
