Alerte phishing phishing<b>Alerte : tentatives de fraude par e-mail en cours !</b><br><br> Soyez vigilant, des fraudeurs tentent de se faire passer pour la BIL en vous envoyant un e-mail vous invitant à cliquer sur un faux lien BILnet. Ne partagez aucune information personnelle, ne cliquez par sur ce lien. La BIL ne vous demandera <b>JAMAIS</b> par sms, e-mail ou téléphone ni vos identifiants et mots de passe LuxTrust (utilisés dans BILnet), ni votre numéro ou code secret de carte bancaire. <br><br>Si vous pensez avoir été victime d'une tentative de fraude ou, en cas d’utilisation frauduleuse de votre carte, contactez Worldline au <a href="tel:+352491010">+352 4910-10</a>. 1



La BIL, institution financière d'importance systémique, a fait de sa gouvernance une priorité. La banque est soumise à un contrôle prudentiel au niveau national et européen, et sa direction est confiée à un Conseil d’administration ainsi qu'à un Comité exécutif.


Conformément à la réglementation en vigueur, la banque s'est dotée d'une structure organisationnelle claire avec des lignes de responsabilités transparentes et des mécanismes de contrôle interne adéquats (y compris des procédures comptables et administratives solides) ainsi que des politiques de rémunération qui encouragent une saine gestion des risques.

La gouvernance d'entreprise de la BIL est défini dans une Charte (Corporate Governance Charter, en anglais).

La BIL, institution financière d'importance systémique, est soumise au contrôle prudentiel de la Banque centrale européenne et de la Commission de surveillance du secteur financier du Luxembourg.

Organes de direction

La direction de la banque est confiée au Conseil d’administration, dont les membres sont nommés par l’assemblée générale des actionnaires. Le Conseil d'administration s'assure que l’ensemble des objectifs stratégiques et organisationnels de la BIL et de ses filiales et succursales sont atteints.

Le Conseil d'administration délégue la gestion journalière de la Banque au Comité exécutif, dirigé par son Président.

Conseil d'administration

  • Marcel LEYERS Chair
  • Jing LI Vice-Chair, Legend Holdings Representative
  • Ashley GLOVER Director, Staff Representative
  • Maurice LAM Independent Director
  • Peng LI Director, Legend Holdings Representative
  • Charles Q. Li Independent director
  • Benoît Migeaux Director, Staff Representative
  • David Pilgrim Independent Director
  • Pierrot RASQUÉ Director, State of Luxembourg Representative
  • Claude STEFFEN Director, Staff Representative
  • Marc TERZER Director, Staff Representative
  • Vincent THURMES Director, State of Luxembourg Representative
  • Chris VAN AEKEN Independent Director

Comité exécutif

  • Jeffrey DENTZER CEO, Chairman of the Executive Committee
  • Hedi Ben Mahmoud Chief Risk Officer
  • Hans-Peter BORGH Group Head International
  • Olivier Gorin Chief Operating Officer
  • Claude Eyschen Head of Wealth Management
  • Emilie HOËL Head of CEO Office
  • Jian (Helen) LIANG Head of China Market
  • Bernard MOMMENS Member of the Management Board
  • Jérôme NÈBLE Head of Strategy, Secretary General and Balance Sheet management
  • Nico PICARD Chief Financial Officer
  • Karin SCHOLTES Chief of Luxembourg Market and CIB
  • Marie BOURLOND Chief Compliance Officer Invitée Permanente du Comité exécutif
  • Elsa Dorschel Chief Internal Auditor Invitée Permanente du Comité exécutif
  • Frédéric Sudret Secretary General and General Counsel Invité Permanent du Comité exécutif

Claude Eyschen

Head of Wealth Management

Claude Eyschen is Head of Wealth Management of Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) and a member of the Executive Committee since January 2024.

Claude Eyschen brings nearly three decades of experience in private banking and financial services. Before joining BIL, he worked at CapitalatWork where he was Managing Director for Luxembourg from 2011 to 2023. Prior to this role, he worked at Dexia-BIL as Head of Institutional and Corporate Sales as well as Market Leader for Private Banking from 1995 to 2011.

Claude Eyschen holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Languages: German – Luxembourgish - French - English

Emilie Hoël-Serrurier

Head of the CEO Office

Emilie Hoël-Serrurier is Head of CEO Office of Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) since January 2024 and a member of the Executive Committee since January 2020. At this position, she oversees Human Resources, Corporate Communications, Projects and the Organisation of the Bank.

Prior to taking on her current role, Emilie Hoël-Serrurier occupied different senior management positions within BIL, including Head of Wealth Management, Head of Strategy, Corporate Development and Marketing, Head of Process Management. In her function as Head of Strategy, Corporate Development and Marketing, Emilie Hoël-Serrurier was also a Member of BIL’s Executive Committee from October 2018 to April 2019.

Emilie Hoël-Serrurier is a French national and holds a Master’s degree in Management from EM Lyon Business School.

Languages: French – English

Dr. Jian (Helen) Liang

Head of China Market

Dr. Jian (Helen) Liang is Head of China Market of Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) and a member of the Executive Committee since November 2023.

Dr. Jian (Helen) Liang joins BIL from Hauck Aufhäuser Privatbankiers AG, where she was Head of China Desk and Co-Head of Corporate Finance / M&A as well as the CEO and management board member for Asian subsidiaries from 2017 to 2023. As the Executive Director of the Private Banking and Wealth Management division of Fosun Group, she was responsible for the investment activities in European financial market and post-investment management. At this position, she led the acquisition of Hauck Aufhäuser Privatbankiers AG.

Dr. Liang started her career in 2009 at Commerzbank Frankfurt Headquarter in the area of credit risk management, after graduating from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and China Renmin University, where she has been awarded a Ph.D. in Finance.

Languages: Chinese - German - English

Bernard Mommens

Member of the Management Board

Bernard Mommens is a member of the Management Board since 2010 and leads since January 2024 strategic projects for Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL).

Prior to taking his current position, Bernard Mommens served as Secretary General and General Counsel at BIL. He continues to represent BIL at the board of directors of various companies that are part of BIL Group.

Before joining BIL, Bernard Mommens worked for Paribas Bank Belgium, Artesia Banking Group and Dexia Bank Belgium. He started his career as lawyer at the Legal Department of Paribas Belgium and became Head of Legal Department in 1990 and member of the Paribas Group Legal Affairs Committee in 1991. He served as head Private Banking for Artesia and Dexia Bank Belgium between 2000 and 2007 and became Advisor to the Management Board of BIL in 2007.

Bernard Mommens is a Belgian national and holds a Master degree in Law (magna cum laude) from the Leuven University, Belgium.

Languages: Dutch - French – English – German - Luxembourgish

Marie Bourlond

Chief Compliance Officer

Marie Bourlond is the Chief Compliance Officer of Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) and a Permanent Invitee of the Executive Committee.

Prior to her current position at BIL, she was Managing Director of BIL Fund and Corporate Services (formerly Experta Corporate and Trust Services), part of BIL Group.

Marie Bourlond joined Dexia BIL in 1996 where she gained extensive internal control experience in internal audit, operational risk and business risk within Wealth Management. She began her career in the financial sector at Brown Brothers Harriman Luxembourg.

A Belgian and Luxembourgish national, Marie Bourlond holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public and International Affairs as well as a Diploma in Business Administration from the Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium. Marie Bourlond is also Co-Chair of Alco (Association Luxembourgeoise des Compliance Officers).

Languages: French – English