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About the transaction

Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) Corporate Finance announces the coordination of a €50m syndicated revolving credit facility for Prodware Group, specialized in publishing and integrating management software.

BIL Corporate Finance was appointed as Coordinator, Co-Arranger, Agent and Lender alongside Crédit Agricole d’Ile de France SA, Banque Palatine et Caisse d'Epargne Grand Est Europe as Co-arranger and Arkea as Lender. This financing provided by the Lenders is a revolving facility for working capital purposes.


Prodware specializes in publishing and integrating management software. With a strong R & D structure, an unparalleled expertise in best practices industrialization and top-notch strategic alliances, the group's ambition is to deploy its Prodware Adjust product range worldwide. The group's activity is organized around 3 areas:

  1. IT Consulting: providing customers with a vision of their digital transformation journey with an implementation roadmap Digital transformation vision & roadmap, Opportunities and risks in an evolving IT landscape, Embracing emerging technologies as a game changer, Process automation.
  2. Implementing the digital transformation with measurable indicators while maximizing long-term growth and competitiveness. Build and rollout modern Business App to create business differentiators on the market, Utilize industry-specific IP/Software as a tool to accelerate business growth, Leverage AI to boost operational efficiency, Cyber security resilience, Workplace flexibility – safe & easy access, implement cloud technology for optimal value, cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and risk reduction, Provide organizations with data and insights allowing for business steering capability, Automate business processes.
  3. Managed Services: helping customers run and enhance IT infrastructure and business application assets Secure an agile infrastructure to support business growth, expand geographically, and control costs effectively, Keep my business applications and services up-to-date to handle any new challenges, Monitor and control business application infrastructures and services, Ensure business continuity and security according to operational constraints.

About BIL Corporate Finance

BIL Corporate Finance delivers a unique offer combining lending and financial advisory services dedicated to entrepreneurs, corporates and asset managers to support their strategic transactions.

A team of pan-European corporate finance experts providing tailor-made solutions across the capital structure (senior-junior debt, quasi-equity, equity) from Luxembourg and Switzerland in various projects, sectors and geographies (Benelux, Switzerland, France, Germany and Greater China).


Stephane Conrard (Deputy CEO) “We are delighted with our banking pool which brings together our relationship banks such as Banque Internationale à Luxembourg, Crédit Agricole d’Ile de France SA, Palatine & CEGEE and Arkea. In a context of recent acquisitions, this transaction marks an important step for the Group by refinancing existing bilateral debt via a syndicated revolving facility for working capital purposes.”

Quote BIL Corporate Finance

Frederic Cassani, Kay Backes and Pierre Petitpre (BIL Corporate Finance) say: "we are very proud to support a local and European player in his ambitions for international development and growth. It was a pleasure to advise and work closely with our long-lasting partners at PRODWARE Group.