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About the transaction

Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) announces the successful 40 million euro senior financing of Touax Group, the operational leasing solution group for sustainable transportation.
BIL Corporate Finance was appointed as Co-Arranger with LCL and La Banque Postale, Banque Palatine and Crédit Agricole Ile-de-France as Participants.
Through this transaction, Touax Group refinanced a senior loan maturing in June 2024 while extending the average maturity of the group financial debts.

About Touax

Touax leases, manages and sells shipping containers, modular buildings, freight railcars and river barges to more than 5,000 customers across five continents
A 170-year old company with $1.3 billion of assets under management, Touax is well positioned to take advantage of the rapid growth in corporate outsourcing of non-strategic assets and every day offers efficient and flexible leasing solutions to more than 5,000 customers.
TOUAX is listed in Paris on NYSE EURONEXT – Euronext Paris Compartment C (Code ISIN FR0000033003) and on the CAC® Small and CAC® Mid & Small indexes and in EnterNext PEA-PME.

About BIL Corporate Finance

BIL Corporate Finance provides a unique offer combining lending and financial advisory services, to entrepreneurs and corporates in support of their strategic transactions.
Its pan-european team of Corporate Finance experts delivers tailor-made solutions across the capital structure (senior-junior debt, quasi-equity, equity). They bring a wealth of experience in various projects, sectors and geographies, covering the Benelux, Switzerland, France, Germany and Greater China.

Quote Touax

Fabrice and Raphaël Walewski, managers of Touax Group say :
"We are very satisfied with this banking pool which brings together new partners such as Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL Corporate Finance), La Banque Postale and Banque Palatine with our long-standing bankers from the LCL/Crédit Agricole group (Touax's first bank account dates back over a hundred years, opened in 1898 at Crédit Lyonnais). This financing marks an important step for the Group by supporting its development strategy around the rental of sustainable transport equipment, thus enabling us to meet the needs of our customers around the world and offering them the possibility of turning to low-carbon transport."

Quote BIL Corporate Finance

Julien Ruggeri, Haofeng Lu & Pierre Petitpre (BIL Corporate Finance) say: "We are very proud to support the Touax roup with this strategic refinancing part of the the groupambition for growth and profitability.
It was a pleasure to advise a high-quality management and to co-lead this syndicated financing as Co-Arranger with LCL; La Banque Postale, Banque Palatine and Crédit Agricole Ile-de-France as participating banks.